Megan has a Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College (SWAC) in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Megan earned her board certification with the successful completion of the National Acupuncture Written and Point Location exams administered by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). In private practice in Michigan since December 2000, Megan continues to further her education and training, specializing in pain management.
It is a method of balancing and building the body’s life force energy known as “Qi” (pronounced “chee”). Acupuncturists recognize particular pathways called “meridians” through which this energy circulates. Traditional Chinese medicine views disease as the result of an imbalance or blockage of this energy. Such imbalances manifest as physical pain or illness, and/or emotional and psychosomatic stress-related disorders. In acupuncture, very thin, sterile, stainless steel needles are inserted into specific points along the meridians to disperse the blockage and restore balance. The points have been studied and mapped by Chinese practitioners over thousands of years. Recently, electromagnetic research has confirmed acupuncture point locations.
The needles are extremely thin; therefore, if the patient feels anything at all, it is generally only a slight sensation at insertion. It is absolutely nothing like getting a shot with a hypodermic needle. Patients are usually quite surprised at how little they feel the needles and how extremely relaxing a treatment is. Many patients even fall asleep while on the table. On occasion, when the needle reaches the appropriate depth beneath the skin, a slight dull ache, heaviness, tingling or traveling warmth may be experienced. It is generally very mild. Depending on what the patient is being treated for, the needles can be stimulated to intentionally create those sensations. This is, of course, done in a very gentle manner.
It is extremely important and an utmost priority to Megan that every patient is comfortable at all times with everything that is going on during treatment. There is constant communication between Megan and the patient. Questions and comments are encouraged. Great care and compassion is given at all times to all of Megan’s patients. The vast majority of patients find treatment extremely relaxing.
Response to acupuncture varies depending on the general health of the patient and the condition being treated. The full effects of a treatment are experienced within about 24 hours. Some patients feel an immediate lessoning of symptoms right on the table or by the time they leave the office. This level of relief may last or some degree of pain/symptoms may return. Sometimes there may be no immediate relief but the pain or symptoms can be found to diminish over the next few days.
By the next appointment, they are not quite as “good” as they were right after the treatment but are still generally better than before they started. The treatments build upon each other making the relief of symptoms greater and/or last longer. It is important that the patient take it easy for at least 24 hours after treatment. Time should be taken to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of water and to generally take care of oneself.
Oriental medicine is used not only for pain management, but also as a comprehensive system of health care and health maintenance. The applications for acupuncture are many and varied. Athlete’s use acupuncture to achieve optimum performance levels. Oncology patients are treated for the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation to enhance their quality of life. Acupuncture can be used pre- and post-operatively to speed up the recovery times from surgeries. It is becoming more and more commonly used to help with fertility issues. There are even protocols for cosmetic acupuncture to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
In an Oriental Medicine assessment, your condition will be differentiated through a thorough examination which will include an in-depth medical history, pulse and tongue diagnosis. Once the Chinese differentiated diagnosis is established, treatment can begin. While the practitioner is out of the room, the patient generally is asked to disrobe down to their undergarments and lay comfortably on a massage table where there are sheets to cover areas not necessary for treatment. Draping is usually below the waist to above the knees and if it is a treatment on the front of the body, there is draping across the chest for women. The room is kept at a comfortable temperature and a heat lamp or fans are available for additional warmth or cooling.
The patient’s comfort is an utmost priority. After alcohol swabbing, the needles are gently inserted. The number of needles varies according to the problem being treated. After insertion, the needles may be stimulated to produce a stronger effect. They are usually left in place for approximately 20 to 30 minutes, after which they are easily removed and discarded into a biohazard unit. Patients generally find acupuncture very relaxing and many fall asleep on the table.
The number of treatments needed to alleviate a disorder varies upon the duration, nature and severity of the complaint and the overall health of the individual. Generally, acute conditions can be treated successfully within a few treatments. It is commonly recommended to have a series of four or five treatments set no more than a week apart and then reassess the progress from there. Chronic problems, which have taken months or years to develop, are not likely to be “cured” overnight. With chronic conditions, gradual change over time will reflect the gradual restoration of the body’s strength and vitality.
Acupuncture is an accumulative treatment modality, meaning the treatments build upon each other. Some degenerative conditions may require many treatments over time to manage symptoms. As you improve, fewer visits are required.
Yes. Only sterile, single use disposable needles are used. The needles are sterilized during their manufacture, packaged in a sealed container and discarded in a biohazard unit after a single use. There is a minimal risk of a small bruise developing or to have a drop of blood at any acupuncture point site after the needles are removed. While not often, it does happen. Should a drop of blood or bruising occur, it does not mean that the acupuncture was done incorrectly. It just happens on occasion and there are many reasons why some people are more likely to bruise than others and there are some specific points that are more likely to bruise as well. Care is taken to try and avoid it but realistically, it would heal like any other bruise.
Acupuncture: Extremely thin needles are inserted directly into areas of wrinkles, fine lines and/or scars to reduce their appearance. Other strategic points on the body are also used to help with the patient’s overall health and vitality.
Vibrational Beauty Therapy—Facial: This is a cosmetic procedure using gentle electric stimulation to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can also improve skin tone and texture. No needles are used in this protocol. The electric stimulation is delivered through moistened Q-tips that glide gently over the surface of the skin. The procedure is very relaxing and takes approximately one hour and fifteen minutes per session.
Modern Western medicine cannot yet fully explain how acupuncture works. There have been many different types of studies done in an attempt to understand and define what is happening physiologically during an acupuncture treatment. The results of some of the very first studies have shown that there is a release of endorphins in the body during treatment. Endorphins are naturally produced chemicals that effect pain perception, alter sensory perception, mood and alertness reaction (the “runner’s high” is caused by endorphins). This release of endorphins could account for a reduction in pain and the relaxed calm state commonly experienced by acupuncture patients. There are other studies, however, that suggest more to acupuncture than just a release of endorphins.
One such study was done with the use of fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain. The fMRI allows researchers to see what parts of the brain are active in real time (it is like a movie as opposed to a still image). The basic study started with flashing a light in the subject’s eyes while getting the fMRI. As expected with a visual stimulation, the visual cortex of the brain became active. Then, without any visual stimulation, an acupuncture point on the foot used to treat eye disorders was stimulated. Again the visual cortex of the brain became active. This is fascinating given that the optic nerve does not extend to the foot. However, the pathway that the point lies on does travel to the eye. The acupuncturist also did a “non” acupuncture point on the foot and the fMRI just showed some random “static” in the brain that did not coalesce into any specific area. In Western terms, exactly how or why the visual cortex of the brain was effected by the acupuncture point for eye disorders has yet to be fully understood. Acupuncture does seem to have an impact on the brain.
There have been many other studies as well. It has been observed that acupuncture is very good at reducing inflammation. It also increases circulation. The combination of those two factors can increase the speed of recovery from all sorts of injuries. Research by Dr. Helene Langevin from the University of Vermont asserts that many acupuncture points lie over areas that connective tissue is the thickest (connective tissue forms a web that runs continuously through the body and has many nerves). This potentially explains why a needle in one extremity would affect a seemingly unrelated area. There are also many important acupuncture points that lie over “trigger points.” This is where the nerve innervates the muscle and these points are commonly used to treat a myriad of muscle issues. However, not all important acupuncture points fall into either of these two categories. There are many very important points that just are not easily explained yet within the Western framework.
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